Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Venues Letter

Remember, please fill in all blanks (it's more common than you believe). And if you feel like adding more information to the letter be my guest. Just be professional, use your first and last name name in anything you send out. Most of all be professional.

Questions about your district? District Map

I do have a new email: Please email me with questions, comments, anything at orlando_arena [AT] hotmail.com



Mr./Mrs./Ms. _____________________,

My name is ___________________ and I am writing this letter in support of the proposed venues in Orange County. It is my belief that the overall value these venues will add to our community far outweigh the projected costs. It is my understanding that the majority of the costs will be backed by the Tourist Development Tax, a tax that has been used throughout the state on similar projects and cannot be used on other needs such as roads, education, or public services.

While I know there are several different viewpoints on these proposed venues, in the end everyone wants what is what is best for our county and I believe these venues are a good start.

I appreciate the time you have given me, and hope you will consider my support when it comes time to make your decision.



Mail To:

County Mayor Richard Crotty
201 S. Rosalind Ave., 5th Floor
Orlando, FL 32801

Email: mayor [AT] ocfl.net

District 1:
Commissioner Teresa Jacobs
201 S. Rosalind Ave., 5th Floor
Orlando, FL 32801

Email: district1 [AT] ocfl.net
District 2:
Commissioner Fred Brummer
201 S. Rosalind Ave., 5th Floor
Orlando, FL 32801

Email: district2 [AT] ocfl.net

District 3:
Mildred Fernandez
201 S. Rosalind Ave., 5th Floor
Orlando, FL 32801

Email: district3 [AT] ocfl.net

District 4:
Commissioner Linda Stewart
201 S. Rosalind Ave., 5th Floor
Orlando, FL 32801

Email: district4 [AT] ocfl.net

District 5:
Commissioner Bill Segal
201 S. Rosalind Ave., 5th Floor
Orlando, FL 32801

Email: district5 [AT] ocfl.net

District 6:
Commissioner Tiffany Moore
201 S. Rosalind Ave., 5th Floor
Orlando, FL 32801

Email: district6 [AT] ocfl.net


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